How to setup automatic payment? Print

  • 21

  • Credit Card
    • If you are paying via Credit Card, your account will be billed automatically on the due date unless you cancel the service before the due date arrives.  
    • Credit Card will be only charged if your payment method is set to Credit cCard for the service.  To find out if your payment method is set to credit card or paypal, please click on "View Details" button at and make sure your payment method is set to "Credit Card".  If you see Paypal, please contact our billing department to get the method changed to Credit Card.  You can also update payment method at
    • It is recommended to make sure you receive payment confirmation each month to make sure there are no issues the Credit Card file.  If you get a failed payment email notification, please make sure to log into your account and manually make the payment to prevent your account from being terminated.  
    • If you wish to update the Credit Card on file, please visit
  • Paypal
    • Paypal Subscription option in the invoice will allow you to setup a subscription that will send payments automatically each month
    • If you wish to cancel the service, please also make sure to cancel the Paypal Subscription at Paypal to stop the automatic payment.  

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